I'll admit that my make-up collection isn't exactly tiny. And also, I don't really like thinking about it as a collection. I have more make-up than the average woman so I can compare products when I review them, but I really don't want to hoard my make-up to the point where I no longer have anywhere to put it. Consequently, I decided that for the first time I'll try to use up some of the products in the upcoming year.
Priznam - moja zbirka ličil ni ravno majhna. In o njej nerada razmišljam kot o zbirki. Seveda imam več ličil kot povprečna ženska, predvsem zato, da jih lahko med seboj primerjam, ko jih ocenjujem, vendar pa si v resnici ne želim toliko ličil, da ne bi vedela, kam z njimi. Posledično sem se letos prvič odločila, da bom nekaj izdelkov namensko skušala porabiti do konca tekom leta 2017.
The first product is the Catrice Chocolate Nudes Palette - you can find the review and more photos *here*. The biggest issue I have with small palettes is there is always something missing - a light matte shade for under the browbone, a shimmery shade for the inner corner or a good neutral crease color. This palette has it all so I can use it alone, but I simply don't remember about it often enough. Hopefully, I'll be able to use up the whole thing since all the shades are lovely and well pigmented.
Prvi izdelek je Catrice Chocolate Nudes paletka - oceno in več slik lahko najdeš *tu*. Problem manjših paletk je, da jim vedno nekaj manjka - bodisi svetla mat senčka za pod obrvi, bodisi svetlikajoč odtenek za v kotiček očesa, bodisi dobra nevtralna barva za v pregib očesa. Ta paletka ima prav vse to, zato jo lahko uporabljam tudi samostojno, vendar se premalokrat spomnim nanjo. Upam, da mi jo bo uspelo porabiti v celoti, saj so prav vsi odtenki zelo lepi in dobro pigmentirani.
The second product I'm less excited about is the Freedom Pro Conceal & Correct palette of cream concealers. Except for the shade top right (a bit too pink for me), I'll probably be able to use it up for covering up imperfections or for contouring. This palette is well curated and not too expensive, but the product is really sticky and hard to blend, especially in areas with wrinkles. I'm still putting it on the list and I hope I make it through.
Drug izdelek, ki me nekoliko manj navdušuje, je Freedom Pro Conceal & Correct paleta kremnih korektorjev. Razen skrajno desne barve zgoraj, ki je nekoliko preveč roza zame, jih bom verjetno uspela porabiti, bodisi za popravke nepravilnosti, bodisi za konturo. Pri tej paleti, ki je sicer dobro sestavljena in ni preveč draga, me moti predvsem lepljiv občutek izdelka, saj ga je kar težko lepo zabrisati, še posebej v predelih z gubicami. Vseeno jo dajem na seznam in upam, da bom pri uporabi kar se da uspešna.
The third product on the list is a recent purchase - the BeYu Strobe&Define palette. Inside, you can find a mat strobing powder, a highlighter, a blush and a bronzer. All the shades are great and very appropriate for my skin tone, but I am extremely disappointed in the texture. The product is very powdery and difficult to apply evenly, and above that, it likes to stick to imperfections on the skin. I am not impressed by this palette at all so I want to use it up and forget about it.
Tretji izdelek na seznamu je relativno nova pridobitev, in sicer BeYu Strobe&Define paleta. V njej se skriva mat osvetljevalec, svetleč osvetljevalec, rdečilo in bronzer. Vsi odtenki so super in povsem primerni za moj ten kože, vendar pa me je pri tej paleti izredno razočarala tekstura, saj so senčke izredno pudraste in se težko enakomerno nanesejo, poleg tega pa se rade oprimejo nepravilnosti na koži. Gre torej za paleto, ki me nikakor ni navdušila, zato jo želim porabiti in pozabiti nanjo.
The next product is the Lush Bubblegum lip exfoliator. Since it's a natural product that needs to be used up in a certain time frame, I don't want to waste it, especially because it's absolutely fantastic and prepares my lips for all types of lipstick beautifully. It comes in handy when I'm using a matte lip. I've used up about a quarter or the jar so far.
Naslednji izdelek je Lush Bubblegum piling za ustnice. Ker gre za naravni izdelek z omejenim rokom trajanja, ne želim, da bi ga morala vreči v smeti, sploh, ker je naravnost fantastičen in moje ustnice res lepo pripravi za vse tipe šmink, še posebej pa je takšna priprava nujna za mat šminke. Do sedaj sem ga porabila približno četrtino.
Although I'm not the biggest fan of blushes, I chose one more that has been among my favorites for about two years now - the Milani Baked Blush in the shade Dolce Pink. It's a subtle pink shade with shimmer in it which can be applied in layers without worrying that the pigmentation will be too strong. Although it's one of my go-to blushes, I can barely see any signs of use on it so I think that using this product up will be the biggest challenge out of all.
Kljub temu, da nisem največji ljubitelj rdečil, sem izbrala eno, ki me navdušuje že kakšni dve leti, in sicer Milani Baked Blush v odtenku Dolce Pink. Gre za nežno roza rdečilo s svetlikajočimi delci, ki se ga da lepo nanesti v slojih brez nevarnosti, da bi bil nanos premočan. Kljub temu, da ga kar redno potegnem ven iz predala, se mu uporaba komaj kaj pozna, zato mislim, da bo ta izdelek največji izziv med vsemi.
The last product I want to use up is the Laura Mercier eye pencil. Considering I only use eye pencils for tightlining my eyes, I don't use that much of the product and I keep receiving new ones so I'd like to use up at least one of them all the way to the end. The pencil itself is quite stiff so I use far less product than with the creamier ones (like Lord&Berry) and lasts all day so I'm looking forward to using it.
Zadnji izdelek, ki ga želim porabiti, je Laura Mercier črn svinčnik za oči. Glede na to, da svinčnike uporabljam skoraj izključno za tightline, je tudi njihova poraba precej majhna, skoraj vsak mesec pa prejmem kakšnega novega, zato bi rada vsaj enega res porabila čisto do konca. Svinčnik je precej trd, zato se ga uporabi še manj kot kakšnega drugega kremnega (npr. Lord&Berry), pa tudi izredno dobro obstojen, zato se uporabe veselim.
This is my goal for 2017 - to use these six products up. What do you think - will I be able to do it? Until next time, stay beautiful!
To je torej moj cilj za 2017 - da uporabim šest izdelkov čisto do konca. Kaj meniš - mi bo uspelo? Do naslednjič, ostani čudovita!