It's been quite a while since I last wrote a post about my favorite products. I'll admit that some months, there simply aren't any that I would want to write about and I don't want the products to repeat themselves. But I've had quite a few favorites this fall and it's only right that I say a few words about them.
Že kar nekaj časa je minilo, odkar sem napisala kakšno objavo o mojih najljubših izdelkih. Priznam, vsak mesec se jih pač ne nabere dovolj, da bi o njih želela pisati, prav tako pa ne želim, da bi se izdelki preveč ponavljali. Ampak to jesen se jih je nabralo kar nekaj, zato je edino prav, da o njih spregovorim nekaj besed.
Let me start with Melvita rose hip oil. I got to choose this oil at the Beautiful Bloggers conference (*click* to read more about that) and I've been using it for well over a month now. At night, I apply a couple of drops to a clean face and follow up with my night moisturizer. I must say that the effect has been amazing - the skin feel tighter, but even more importantly it feels softer and well nourished. Rose Hip oil is meant for the first lines, but Melvita offers a whole range of oils so you can surely find the one that will suit you the best.
Začela bom z Melvitinim šipkovim oljem. To olje sem si lahko izbrala na Beautiful Bloggers konferenci (*klik* če želiš prebrati kaj več) in ga zvesto uporabljam že več kot en mesec. Zvečer ga nekaj kapljic nanesem na očiščen obraz in potem uporabim svojo nočno vlažilno kremo. Moram reči, da je učinek prav neverjeten - koža se mi zdi bolj napeta, predvsem pa mehkejša in bolje nahranjena. Šipkovo olje je mišljeno za prve gubice, Melvita pa ponuja cel nabor drugih, tako da lahko gotovo najdeš najbolj primerno tudi zase.
I apply La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo Unifiant every morning after my morning routine. The cream has only slight coverage so it cannot act as a liquid foundation for me personally, but I feel it evens out my complexion nicely, covers up a bit of hyper-pigmentation I have remaining from my pregnancy and gives the skin a nice glow. It's definitely a product that makes me feel a bit more put together during everyday work and playing with my son.
La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo Unifiant vsak dan uporabim zjutraj po osnovni negi obraza. Gre za res rahlo prekriven izdelek, ki vsaj meni osebno ne more nadomestiti tekoče podlage, vendar pa se mi zdi, da prav lepo poenoti polt, malo zakrije hiperpigmentacijo, ki mi je ostala od nosečnosti in da koži zdrav sijaj. Vsekakor izdelek, zaradi katerega se počutim malo bolj urejena tudi med vsakdanjimi domačimi opravili in igro z mojim sinčkom.

Ebelin Gel Eyeliner brush turned out to be a really nice surprise. My previous brush lost all shape and I realized it's time to get a new one. Not being able to find an alternative at the drugstore, I settled for Ebelin (DM brand) and I must admit that I wasn't expecting a whole lot. I was in for a pleasant surprise - the brush does its job well being compact enough and at the same time not too stiff so it glides along the eye nicely. It's also thin enough to create a nice wing. I would definitely recommend it and I'll also have a closer look at other Ebelin brushes.
Ebelin čopič za gel eyeliner se je izkazal za prav prijetno presenečenje. Moj prejšnji čopič je izgubil vso obliko in ugotovila sem, da je čas za novega. Ker v drogeriji nisem našla alternative, sem se odločila za Ebelin, ki je DM znamka, pri čemer priznam, da nisem pričakovala preveč. Bila sem prijetno presenečena - čopič odlično opravi svojo nalogo, saj je dovolj kompakten, pa vseeno ne preveč čvrst, da lepo zdrsi ob očesnem loku in dovolj tanek za lepo krilce (wing) ob robu očesa. Vsekakor priporočam, sama si bom ogledala še druge Ebelin čopiče.
Catrice Matt Lip Artist in the shade 020 - Best ROSEbuddies Forever is basically a jumbo lip pencil. It dries quite quickly, the finish really is matte and on my lips it lasts quite a long time (but not as long as some liquid matte lipsticks). It doesn't dry out my lips so that's why I'm giving it an A. My pink shade with red undertone is beautiful and there are quite a few other shades to choose from.
Catrice Matt Lip Artist v odtenku 020 - Best ROSEbuddies Forever je v bistvu jumbo svinčnik za ustnice. Ob nanosu se posuši dokaj hitro, zaključek je bolj kot ne res matiran in na mojih ustnicah zdrži kar nekaj časa (vendar ne toliko, kot kakšna mat tekoča šminka). Mojih ustnic ne izsuši in že zato dobi oceno odlično! Moj rožnat odtenek z rdečimi podtoni je čudovit, na izbiro pa je še kar nekaj drugih.
Last but not least autumn favorite is the Trend It Up Contour&Glide Lipliner in the shade 401. It's a classic lip liner but its main advantages are that it lasts a really long time and its creamy texture. There is a sharpener on one end so you don't have to worry about the tip losing its shape and becoming dull. Shade 401 is pink with a bit of orange undertone and I must say that I've been looking for a lip liner in this shade for quite a while now.
Zadnji, vendar nič manj pomemben jesenski favorit pa je Trend It Up Contour&Glide Lipliner v odtenku 401. Gre za klasično črtalo za ustnice, pri čemer je njegova prednost izjemna obstojnost in kremna tekstura. Na eni strani svinčnika je tudi šilček, tako da ne gre skrbeti, tudi če konica nekoliko izgubi obliko in postane topa. Barva 401 je roza z nekoliko oranžnega podtona in moram reči, da sem črtalo za ustnice v tej barvi iskala kar nekaj časa.
These are my fall favorites - do you have any that I should definitely try out? Let me know in the comments below!
To so moji jesenski favoriti - imaš tudi ti kakšnega, ki bi ga obvezno morala preizkusiti? Svoj namig mi sporoči v komentarju.
Until next time, stay beautiful! ***** Do naslednjič, ostani čudovita!