
Monday, November 30, 2015

Final Blogvember post: 5 Days of Christmas Giveaway

Dear beauties, 

first, I want to thank each and every one of you who followed my (quite unfortunate) attempt at Blogvember. I really did try to make it work, but unfortunately, life got a better of me. But nevertheless, let's end this on a high note: with five days of presents!

Starting tomorrow, I will be giving out five gift packages for the entire week!

These gift sets includes some of my favorite brands, such as Essence, Afrodita, Avon, Sleek, Konad, Nanshy, Glade and many others. 

The rules are very simple and inspired by lovely and wonderfully sweet Tara from the blog The Beauty of Nail Polish who is also doing a beautiful giveaway throughout the month of December, so don't forget to check out her blog for more info!

1. Every day, I will post a photo of the gift for the day on my Facebook (Low Maintenance Beauty Blog) and on my Instagram profile (@low_maintenance_beauty)
2. This giveaway is open to my subscribers only, so make sure you are subscribed to me on both of the channels mentioned (Facebook and Instagram)
3. Every day, I will ask you a question - all you need to do is answer it and I will pick the most original answer that will receive the gift of the day. 
4. You can only answer in the 24 hours until the next gift is posted! After that, your answers will no longer be taken into account. 
5. Each person can only win once. I think that's fair enough.
6. I will be very happy if you share the giveaway with your friends or tag them in the post, so they have a chance of winning as well (but this is not a condition).
7. If you win, don't forget to send me an e-mail to lowmaintenancebeautyblog[at], so I can send you the gift
7. All the gifts will be shipped out on Wednesday, 9th of December 2015.
8. All the giveaways are only open to my EU subscribers and subscribers from other countries in Europe.

 Do you want to see your name written on the tag? Don't forget to participate and good luck!

Until next time, stay beautiful!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Blogvember #14: Guest post by Anna - Mad About Red


I am so glad to be a part of Blogvember here on Low maintenance beauty blog. For me it's impossible to write 10 blog post per month and I have no idea how you can manage and write everyday for one month. So I was super excited when Maša asked me if I would be a part of her Blogvember.
I could write about any thing, but I decided to go with something really close to me - manicure. The magic December is almost here and I decided to do a bit more neutral but still sparkly manicure that every one can rock. Maybe on Christmas or New years eve or any day in December. It's also super easy.
I started with one coat of base coat, two coats of Golden Rose gorgeous polish in 101 and for some sparkles I add Avon magic effect in Pearl. You can add sparkly polish where ever you want and as much as you want, but I choose to add it only on one side of each nail. I helped with scotch tape, for straight line. 

 Super easy right? I hope I inspire you for some sparkles.

Have a sparkly weekend!
Follow Ana on Bloglovin' : 
Check out Ana's Facebook page: 
See Ana's lovely photos on Instagram:

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Pet razlogov, zakaj sem ujetnica znamke L’Occitane

L’Occitane me v mojem življenju spremlja, odkar pomnim. Sama si seveda izdelkov več let nisem mogla privoščiti sama, ampak za razvajanje vseh mojih čutov je takrat skrbela moja mama. No, danes je seveda drugače in z L’Occitane se redno družim – na tak in drugačen način.   

Pravijo, da je prvi korak k ozdravitvi to, da svoj problem prepoznaš in ga izpostaviš. No, jaz sicer moje odvisnosti sploh ne želim pozdraviti, vseeno pa si lahko spodaj preberete pet razlogov, ki me delajo ujetnico te slastne, dišeče znamke – morda se v katerem prepoznate tudi sami?

1. Pomanjkanje vodi v pogubo

Ko najdem izdelek, ki je pravi zame, se želim prepričati, da mi ga nikdar ne bo zmanjkalo. Vsakič, ko grem mimo L’Occitane trgovine, si rečem – oh, pa saj imam res dovolj zaloge. Ampak ne, noge kar same obrnejo korak in še preden dobro vem, kaj se dogaja, po cesti novim dogodivščinam naproti že hodim z lepo, pisano L’Occitane vrečko v roki. 

Mandljevo olje za prhanje (na sliki v 250ml steklenički in 500ml ekološkem polnjenju) je eden od izdelkov, ki v moji kopalnici ne sme manjkati. Mojo kožo med prhanjem obdari z neverjetno mehkobo in poskrbi, da me topla dišava mandljev spremlja cel dan. Ga imam vedno na zalogi preveč? Verjetno. Bi lahko preživela brez njega? Težko. 

2. Navada je železna srajca

Poleg strahu pred tem, da bi ostala brez nekega izdelka, je pomembno tudi, da mi je moj priljubljen izdelek vedno na razpolago. V vsakodnevnem življenju se gibljem med domom in službo ter pri tem uporabljam vsaj tri različne torbice. 

Enačba je torej povsem enostavna – 5x čudovita kremica = ena za v službo, ena za doma ter tri za vsako od torbic. Tu in tam preizkusim tudi kakšno drugo kremico in nekatere so odlične, vendar se vedno znova in znova vračam k svoji L’Occitane kremi za roke s karitejevim maslom. Na sliki so manjša pakiranja (30ml), ki so dovolj majhna za prav vsako torbico. 

3. Zona somraka (področje pri blagajni)

Vsakič, ko v trgovini L’Occitane napolnim svojo lično pleteno košarico, se z vso odločnostjo, ki jo premorem, napotim proti blagajni in pri tem ne gledam ne levo, ne desno – saj sedaj verjetno že razumete, kakšne nevarnosti prežijo name. Ampak resnični boj me čaka pri blagajni – polno čudovitih izdelkov po nizkih cenah, majhna darilca, s katerimi bi se res lahko danes obdarila, kompletki, ki ponujajo izredno vrednost za denar. Saj veste, kako to gre. 

Tudi prejšnji teden mi mimo blagajne ni uspelo priti, ne da bi klonila pritisku. Z menoj domov je prišla čudovita torbica, v kateri sem našla dva balzama za ustnice ter dve kremici – prav vsi miniji pa vsebujejo karitejevo maslo, ki je itak v moji knjigi sinonim za popolno zmago lepotnih izdelkov.

4. Testiram prvič, testiram drugič, testiram tretjič ... prodano!

Testerji – slovenskih deklet grob, mar ne? Pri L’Occitane me najbolj navdušuje, da si mini, testna pakiranja izdelkov načeloma lahko izberem sama. Na ta način ne preizkušam stvari, ki jih že poznam, ampak vedno spoznavam nove in nove izdelke. In kaj je rezultat?

Rezultat je seveda to, da se v izdelke med testiranjem zaljubim in jih vsekakor moram imeti. Zelo redko se mi namreč zgodi, da bi v trgovini L’Occitane dobila tester izdelka, ki me ne bi prepričal do te mere, da bi si želela kupiti polno velikost. V kaj to vodi? Glej točko dve.

5. Želimo vam blesteče praznične dni!

Vsekakor so trgovine L’Occitane najbolj nevarne med božičnimi prazniki. V tem času običajno na police pridejo kakšne nove, izjemne kolekcije in kaj hitro se zgodi, da je denarnica bolj prazna, kot polna (je pa res, da bodo vaši prijatelji in sorodniki dišali izjemno). 

Letos smo se slovenske blogerke z L’Occitane družile na predstavitvi nove kolekcije, ki sta jo z roko v roki oblikovala Olivier Baussan, ustanovitelj L’Occitane ter priznan francoski slaščičarski mojster, Pierre Hermé, imenovan tudi Kralj kuhinje (NYT). Herméje posrkbel za dišave kolekcije, poustvariti pa je želel občutek, ki ga imamo pri uživanju makronov. No, z makroni nas je L’Occitane razvajal tudi na dogodku za blogerke, ki sem se ga udeležila pretekli teden. Obenem smo imele blogerke priložnost spoznati tudi, kako čudovito natančen in hkrati preprost je način zavijanja darilc pri znamki L’Occitane. Mene osebno je najbolj očaralo dejstvo, da gre za izjemno ekološko zavijanje, pri katerem se porabi kar najmanj materiala, hkrati pa sem občudovala predstavnice znamke, kako lepo in pozorno so ravnale z izdelki – prav tako, kot si zaslužijo!

 Kolekcija je sestavljena iz treh različnih linij, vse pa je v nastajanju navdihnil otok Korzika. . Prva se imenuje Jasmin – Immortelle – Neroli (na sliki zgoraj mleko za tel, 250ml – 23,40€), ki združuje jasmin, immortelle (suhocvetnice) in neroli.  
Fotografija: PR L'Occitane
Kljub temu, da bi od jasmina pričakovala nekoliko močnejši vonj, je ta kolekcija meni najljubša, saj je ravno dovolj sveža, da je primerna za vsak letni čas, hkrati pa tudi dovolj topla, da je primerna za hladne dni, ki prihajajo. 

Druga kolekcija znotraj linije L’Occitane & Pierre Hermé Pamplemousse & Rhubarbe prepleta vonje grenivke in rabarbare, začinjene s klinčki in ščepcem muškatnega oreščka (na sliki zgoraj krema za roke, 30ml, 7.60€). 
Fotografija: PR L'Occitane
Nekoliko resnejša od prve linije, dovolj nevtralna, da je primerna za ženske in moške, pa obenem popolnoma unikatna in nepredvidljiva – vsekakor tudi tu lahko samo prikimam izjemnemu združevanju dišav. 

Tretja linija Miel Mandarine, ki jo predstavljata le dva izdelka (na sliki zgoraj balzam za ustnice, 12ml, 7,60€), pa združuje med in mandarino, torej dva vonja, ki jih sama popolnoma povezujem z zimo.
Fotografija: PR L'Occitane
 Prav ta vonj bi si želela v svojem domu medtem, ko gostom postrežem z decembrskimi dobrotami – sladek, poln, skorajda težak vonj, ki me spominja na božični sejem, kuhano vino ter čaj z medom. 

V kolikor vas kljub vsem mojim opozorilom ni strah in se še vedno počutite pogumne, vam predlagam, da se tudi same podate v svet L’Occitane – bodisi v njihovih trgovinicah, kjer vas bodo pričakale prijazne in izredno strokovne prodajalke, bodisi preko spletne strani, kjer boste enostavno opravile tudi svoje božične nakupe – za druge, pa tudi zase!

Ostanite čudovite!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Blogvember #14: Le Couvent Des Minimes

Yes, yes, I know I'm getting boring by saying this, but Le Couvent Des Minimes is another brand that I met for the first time at the Beautiful Bloggers Meetup in October. Their display at the event was definitely one of the most beautiful ones and the hostess was very lovely and helpful which alone gave me a good first impression of the brand. 

In the goody bag, I received the Eau Amiable - Botanical Cologne of Love.  

I've had this 100 ml bottle for about 6 weeks now and a third of it is gone. I use this on a daily basis, several times a day and not only are people complimenting the fragrance, but also asking me where they can buy it and from what I hear, Muller had all kind of great offers (250ml bottle for the price of 100ml bottle, extra gifts with purchase etc.) so apparently I'm to blame for all the sneaky purchases my friends and their family members have been making in the past weeks. 

The fragrance of the Eau Amiable is inspired by orange tree blossoms, apparently known as the traditional scent of love. The blossoms are combined with 5 different plants (Bergamot, Mandarin, Wild Rose, Nasturtium and Petitgrain) selected for their beneficial properties to perfume the skin with a soft fragrance. 

The scent of the cologne is soft and fresh, not too strong but at the same time strong enough to linger for hours after use. I usually spray it on my clothes, not my skin to make sure it lasts even longer. The spray pump is quite normal for colognes and doesn't spray too much product, so I would say that a couple of spritzes at an arm's length should do the job. 

The entire Le Couvent Des Minimes line is sold at Muller and this particular cologne sells for about 20 euro, which is not inexpensive, but in my opinion definitely worth it. This cologne will definitely be a repurchase for me.

Until next time, stay beautiful.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Blogvember #13: Half Way There!

Yes, I know that 13 is not exactly 16 as it should have been, but I will say that between working days and nights and spending a couple of days on vacation I think I'm not doing as bad as I was afraid. So technically we're half way through Blogvember and I'd like to recap what I've written about so far. A click on the titles will automatically open a new window with the post for you, if you wish to read something. 

#1: My Aussie Experience

This was my first real dabble into this line and I am quite impressed with it. I wrote a review of the Repair Miracle Shampoo and Conditioner and the Miracle Dry Shampoo.

#2: Something Yummy

Yummy is also a brand I came across for the first time. I reviewed the Yummy Body Butter in Darkest Blood Orange.

#3: Oils are not just for cooking

I love it when I find products from Slovenian brands that I enjoy. In this post, I talk about the Afrodita Jojoba Oil shower gel and Afrodita Argan Oil. 

#4: Secrets of the Trebnik Mansion

I fell in love with Dvorec Trebnik bath salts a year back, but this was my first time trying their DT line: DT Energy Tonic, DT Funky Coconut Creamy Hand Gel and DT Strawberry Lip Balm. 

#5: I Heart Makeup Palette in Black Velvet

I Heart Makeup is a nice brand offering a variety of products at very reasonable price point. This time, I reviewed their sexy, sleek palette named Black Velvet.

#6: This or That - Beauty Edition Tag

If you want to learn about my preferences when it comes to beauty, click on the post above :)

#7: Subrina Vitamins & Strength

Another review of hair care products, this time talking about another Slovenian brand with a short review of the Vitamins & Strength shampoo and conditioner. A short update: I have not touched these since I tried them a couple of times for the review, since I much prefer some other hair care brands I've gotten to know in the past few months.

#8: Adam had Eve, Batman had Robin and I have my Curaprox Superduo

Perhaps a bit out of context on a beauty blog, but I really love this brand and I wanted to give it the praise it deserves. I cannot recommend it enough!

#9: Eucerin Pampering

Eucerin spoiled me twice in October: once at the conference and once with a surprise package. I must say I love the way the brand is evolving and I look forward to seeing what they've got in store for us. I reviewed their new CC cream and lotion for sensitive skin. 

#10: Catrice brings us some chocolate delights

I am a big fan of Catrice brand, especially because of the price:quality ratio which is hard to beat. Although palettes are the one make-up item I really like to splurge on since I find that the quality in drugstore is not always the best, I was pleasantly surprised by the Chocolate nudes palette.

#11: 20 random facts about me tag

I had a blast writing this and laughed quite a lot while I re-read it again whilst on vacation. If you want to learn a thing or two about me, click on the link above :)

#12: What I'm buying myself before Christmas

Things I need in my life before December arrives - courtesy of Lush, Yankee Candle, Smile Concept Store and Carpisa. 

 I am very much looking forward to the second half of November - I've got a couple of events coming up, a few packages to pick up from the post office and two big surprises coming up. Hopefully, you think I'm doing a decent job as well and enjoyed what I've written so far.

Until next time, stay beautiful!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Blogvember #12: What I am buying myself before Christmas

There are so many things I find while randomly browsing online and I never actually get around to buying them. But I decided that that will change this year. I work hard for 12 months, hardly ever take any time for myself and I deserve a treat. But since I will already be getting a bunch of presents for Christmas, I plan to do some Pre-Christmas shopping. This is my list. 

1. Yankee Candle: Cosy by the fire

Photo: Yankee Candle Webpage

Cosy by the fire perfectly describes how I would like to spend December this year, but it’s also a name of a Yankee candle. This candle includes the smells of ginger, cloves and orange as the main notes and as much as I don’t think that the Yankee Candles are the best candles ever, I still like to have one handy for those cold winter nights when a candle or two brighten up the mood in the living room. Find this (and many other alluring candles) here for 11,90 € for medium sized candle.

2. Lush bath bomb: Shooting for the stars

Photo: Lush online store

Honey and caramel? Sign me up. This bath bomb from Lush is called Shooting for the stars and I need one (or two, or, you know, a couple) in my life. I need to do an online purchase though because I know that if I set foot in the actual Lush store, we will only be eating potatoes for the rest of December.  Find it here for 5,95 € for 200g.

3. Carpisa: Hard Toiletry Bag
Photo: Carpisa IT 

If you’re a traveler like myself and always worry about what is happening to your make-up in the back of the car or in the airplane cargo space, you need one of these. It’s the Carpissa Hard Beauty Toiletry Bag and I find it a must for everyone who values their foundation bottle over their life. Naturally, it won’t hold all of the make-up that I necessarily want to bring with me, which is why I will probably afford myself two of them. You can find it in Carpisa stores for 19,99 €.

4. Smile Concept store: Happy Lights 

Photo: Smile Concept Store

I know that these lights would certainly make me happy every evening I would turn them on. And since I deserve to be happy, why not? You can find them at Smile Concept store in shop or online for 29,40 €.

What are you treating yourself with this month? Let me know (and give me some ideas) in the comments below. And as always, stay beautiful!