
Saturday, December 5, 2015

5th (and final) day of Christmas Giveaways

Dear beauties, 

welcome to the fifth and final day of my Christmas Giveaways. I want to thank you all for participating and really taking the time to write down all your answers - I read each and every one of them carefully and they really make me appreciate this Christmas time even more. 

Let's get down to business part of things. Yesterday, the comment that I liked the most belongs to Irena G. who wrote (in my translation): 

I still write Christmas cards. Not as many as I used to years ago, but I think that with some people we will continue to exchange our good wishes the classic way, via post and with nice cards. It's a very different feeling to get a hand-written card waiting for you in the mail box than it is to get a text message. But in the end, good wishes are good wishes no matter the way they are conveyed. I enjoy writing cards and if I have the time I also make some myself - it's a part of the Christmas spirit. 

I could not agree with your words more, Irena. Congratulation, please send me your shipping details to the e-mail in the instructions below. 

And what's the last prize for the Christmas Giveaways? It's this lovely gold set of two Afrodita products - Jojoba oil and shea butter shower gel and Jojoba oil and shea butter body milk. 

To win this set, all you need to do is answer the following question: 

What is the thing you look forward the most in 2016?

It can be an actual plan, a wish - anything your heart desires. 

The rules are still the same so don't forget to check them out below. Good luck!

1. Every day, I will post a photo of the gift for the day on my Facebook (Low Maintenance Beauty Blog) and on my Instagram profile (@low_maintenance_beauty)
2. This giveaway is open to my subscribers only, so make sure you are subscribed to me on both of the channels mentioned (Facebook and Instagram)
3. Every day, I will ask you a question - all you need to do is answer it and I will pick the most original answer that will receive the gift of the day. 
4. You can only answer in the 24 hours until the next gift is posted! After that, your answers will no longer be taken into account.
5. Each person can only win once. I think that's fair enough.
6. I will be very happy if you share the giveaway with your friends or tag them in the post, so they have a chance of winning as well (but this is not a condition).
8. If you win, don't forget to send me an e-mail to lowmaintenancebeautyblog[at], so I can send you the gift 
9. All the gifts will be shipped out on Wednesday, 9th of December 2015.
10. All the giveaways are only open to my EU subscribers and subscribers from other countries in Europe.


  1. Ker sem v tipkanju diplomske naloge, si želim v letu 2016 čimprej diplomirati... S tem bom zaključila še eno večjo poglavje v življenju in bom neskončno srečna in hvaležna. Upam, da nato pride čimprej tudi na vrsto kakšna služba... Leto 2015 ni bilo preveč "moje" leto, zato si želim, da bo 2016 boljše in lepše v vseh pogledih. In zdravo predvsem ter srečno, zaljubljeno. Želim tudi obiskati Istanbul, upam,da se mi po diplomi tudi to uresniči. :)

  2. Go with the flow! Prepusti se toku in uživaj v vsakem trenutku ki ti bo dan. Želim si in tudi drugim čim več optimizma!!!!

  3. Zadnje leto mojega magistrskega študija - vsaj kar se tiče dejanskih predavanj, prakse ter podobnega! Mogoče bo sledil še absolvent, ampak vsaj tega bom rešena! :P

  4. Želim si, da bi še naprej uspešno delala sama na sebi in "rastla", postala bolj strpna in potrpežljiva ter poskusila kaj novega-dolgo si že želim na kakšno plesno delavnico. Seveda pa si želim tudi zdravja in sreče za vse bližnje in da bi imela v denarnici vedno kak evro preveč:D

  5. Želim si, da bi še naprej uspešno delala sama na sebi in "rastla", postala bolj strpna in potrpežljiva ter poskusila kaj novega-dolgo si že želim na kakšno plesno delavnico. Seveda pa si želim tudi zdravja in sreče za vse bližnje in da bi imela v denarnici vedno kak evro preveč:D

  6. Komaj čakam poroko od moje drage sestrične, saj ji bom tudi poročna priča.

  7. Najbolj se veselim selitve v novo hišo, kjer bom imela mnogo večjo sobo in tudi svoj balkon :) Poleg tega pa se veselim podelitve diplom in pa novih izzivov, ki me čakajo v prihajajočem letu. In pa seveda časa, ki ga bom lahko preživela s prijatelji in družino in če bo vse po sreči, si morda privoščim še kakšno zanimivo potovanje :)

  8. Ooo, najlepša hvala za tole lepo novičko - zelo vesela! :)

    Za prihodnje leto imam tudi jaz velike plane- upam, da mi končno uspe zaključiti moj študij, pa da se mi odprejo vrata tudi na področju službe. To sta moja dva največja cilja in bom močno delala na tem, da se oba tudi izpolnita. Želim pa tudi, da me novo leto preseneti še s kakšnim lepim prijetnim presnečenjem kar se tiče drugih področij. Vseh stvari ne moremo imeti v naših rokah, vse ni odvisno samo od nas, tako da se bom v določeni meri tudi prepustila toku. Le da bo bosta zdravje in optimizem na moji strani, pa je to že velik procent uspeha.

    Hvala za super giveaway in vprašanja- fino je bilo vstopiti v tale prazničen čas z razmišljanjem, kaj nam sploh pomeni in kako ga doživljamo.
