Dear beauties,
I know that quite a few of you enjoyed my post about birthday presents and since my b-day and Christmas day are separated by exactly six months, I though that a Christmas edition would be fun as well.
I will say in advance that I'm not trying to brag or show off in any way. If you don't like or are offended by such posts, please click out now - I have many other interesting posts that you can go and read something you'll enjoy.
I am not showing you all of my presents, since some were really personal, untangible (which I will explain in a moment) and some were really unpersonal (like gift cards and money), but here's what I got from my friends, family and my hubby.
My big present this year was a new iPad case since I really needed a new one as mine was falling apart at the seams.
I got spoiled big time with a new leather Cartier case in a nice fuchsia color. It's exactly what I would have chosen for myself, absolutely perfect and I hope it will last me at least as long as the last one.
The presents in the photo really tickled my soul since all of them are something I would have chosen for myself as well. I got some L'Occitane relaxing bath salts, two Yankee candles and the Kat Von D Shade and Light Contour Palette. I've actually gotten this in November as an early B-day present so I'm just about ready to do a proper review on it.
Can't forget my wonderful fuzzy socks! I've worn them almost every day since I got them and missed them a lot when they were in the wash. They are absolutely wonderful and keep my feet nice and toasty. In the photo, I also included two super cute glass ornaments I received from a friend.
I actually asked for these gadgets since I hope they will make my everyday life a little bit easier. I needed a new charging cable since mine looked like it's been attacked by mice and a new converter from the classic charger to the Apple charger. I also received a small reading light so I won't be bothering my hubby too much in the night with all the lights on in the bedroom.
Both of these books are something I would have chosen for myself and I actually had my eye on the Savina Atai planner for quite some time now. Since I am a big believer in homeopatic medicine, I also got a little book of homeopatic stories :)
... of this. It's is the biggest Christmas present me and my hubby have gotten this year - in April 2016, we're going to be parents! This also means that most of our presents from our families this year were baby related in one way or another - we're talking strollers, car seats, baby monitors ~ you name it, I've got a voucher for it :)
Anyway, this is everything I got this Christmas. I am looking forward to 2016 since it will bring one of the biggest changes possible to my life and I cannot wait!
Until next time, stay beautiful!
Oh jočem pa ne zaradi daril ampak dejstva, ko sem na koncu zagledala materinsko knjižico, ki je najboljša knjiga na svetu. Želim ti super krasno nosečnost, ker za nekaj mesecev pride vajina mini genetika, ki bo preverjeno kakšen dan spila vse možne živčke. Preverjeno že v drugo:) moja darila letos so bila najboljsa od vseh let, niti ene kozmetike, samo res taka personal, uporabna����
ReplyDeleteOh, draga moja, pa res te nisem hotela spravit v jok :( Čeprav te razumem, meni je sodelavka pred dnevi poslala sliko svojega novorojenčka, pa sem sedela na kavču in kakšne pol ure jokala kot dež :)
DeleteZaenkrat je bilo vse OK, tako da držim pesti, da tudi v zadnjih mesecih ne bo kakšne drame in da se bo mali držal terminskih planov...
Glede daril je pa pri nas že nekako navada, da otroci dobijo presenečenja, prav tako ta najstarejši (ker oni itak imajo vse, kar rabijo), vmesni dve generaciji se pa kar malo zmenimo, kaj bi kdo rabil. Časi, ko smo kupovali "kar tako", so res že zdavnaj mimo.
Oh jočem pa ne zaradi daril ampak dejstva, ko sem na koncu zagledala materinsko knjižico, ki je najboljša knjiga na svetu. Želim ti super krasno nosečnost, ker za nekaj mesecev pride vajina mini genetika, ki bo preverjeno kakšen dan spila vse možne živčke. Preverjeno že v drugo:) moja darila letos so bila najboljsa od vseh let, niti ene kozmetike, samo res taka personal, uporabna����
ReplyDeleteIiiii čestitke!
ReplyDeleteJaaaaa, hvala, hvala :) :) :)
DeleteOoo sama lepa darila :D tole Kat Von D paleto ti pa kar malo zavidam hihi :D se veselim review-a :D
ReplyDeleteBarbara hvala, upam, da si tudi ti dobila kaj lepega :) To paletko sem si pa dolgo želela, ker me je contour paletka od Anastasia BH tako razočarala. Ta je res super, tako da bom z veseljem napisala oceno.
DeleteČestitke! Drugače pa sama lepa darila, ampak verjamem da je bilo zadnje najboljše in najpomembnejše :)
ReplyDeleteJulija res je, letos sva si najlepše darilo dala kar sama :) Dedki in babice pa že komaj čakajo, da bodo lahko začeli nosit na kup darila :)
DeleteI totally need the little reading light, looks so handy! Those bath salts sound so nice right about now. Congratulations on the new addition for your family!! I'm soooo excited for you!!! :) And guess what, I'm expecting too! I'm due July 30th.