I must admit I'm a complete sucker when it comes to Christmas music. When at work, I start listening to my YouTube playlist sometime in mid November and don't stop until mid January. Sometimes, I'll even annoy my coworkers with it - all for a bit of Christmas spirit.
Priznam, ljubim božično glasbo. V službi sem božične pesmi preko YouTuba običajno začela poslušati že sredi novembra in jih poslušala še dober čas v januarju. Včasih sem s kakšno posebej super pesmijo malo jezila tudi moje sodelavce - vse v duhu čarobnega božiča, seveda.
This year I'm spending more time in my car since baby M and I are doing some light shopping each day and I love playing the Christmas tunes out loud to him while singing along. I'm sure he doesn't get the whole X-mas thing just yet, but better start early, right?
Letos se z malim M-jem skoraj vsak dan odpraviva na kakšen potep (in v nakupe), kar pomeni, da veliko časa preživim v avtu. Tudi njemu seveda naglas predvajam božične pesmi in si seveda popevam obenem. Čeprav sem prepričana, da koncepta božiča še ne razume, ni nikoli prezgodaj za nekaj pozitivnega vpliva, mar ne?
Anyway, today I wanted to share with you my top 5 Christmas songs that I could listen to all year long. Maybe use them as a background while you're creating a holiday manicure, baking cookies or simply relax, close your eyes and drift along. The choice is yours.
Danes želim s tabo deliti svojih top 5 božičnih pesmi, ki bi jih lahko poslušala skozi celo leto. Morda jih lahko uporabiš kot ozadje pri ustvarjanju božične manikure, pri peki piškotov, lahko pa se celo sprostiš, zapreš oči in se prepustiš glasbi. Izbira je tvoja.
#1: Let It Snow (Frank Sinatra)
#2: Driving Home For Christmas (Chris Rea)
#3: Santa Baby (Ariana Grande)
#4: It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas (Michael Buble)
#5: All I Want For Christmas is You (Mariah Carey)
You didn't forget about the giveaway, right? Today's word is the 10th in a row so you already have more than two thirds of all words you'll need to participate in the giveaway. The rules and everything you need to know are *here* and the prize is pretty sweet, if I can say so myself.
Seveda nisi pozabila tudi na nagradno igro, kaj ne? Današnja skrivna beseda je že deseta po vrsti in sedaj imaš že več kot dve tretjini besed, ki jih potrebuješ za sodelovanje. Pravila in vsa ostala navodila najdeš *tu*, nagrada pa je - vsak po mojem mnenju - res super.
Until next time, stay beautiful! ***** Do naslednjič, ostani čudovita!
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