
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Blogmas #9: What's baby M getting for Xmas? ***** Kaj bo moj mali M. dobil za prvi božič?

I always loved buying gifts for children but looking back, I didn’t always make the best choices. I’m sure the kids were happy, but the parents probably less so – think sticky things, loud things and presents that include glitter. Now that baby M is about to turn 9 months old (where did the time go?) and is about to celebrate his first Christmas, I’ve become much more picky. 

Od nekdaj sem z užitkom nakupovala za otroke, vendar verjetno moje odločitve niso bile vedno najboljše. Otroci so bili vsekakor vedno veseli, vendar pa so bili starši najbrž nekoliko manj – v mislih imam razna lepljiva darila, glasna darila in darila z bleščicami. Moj mali M. bo kmalu dopolnil 9 mesecev (kam je šel čas?) in bo pravkar praznoval svoj prvi božič. Pri njegovih darilih sem seveda bolj izbirčna.

Today, I’m only showing you things he’s getting from us – if you’d like to see other presents he receives, let me know in the comments below. Since he’s my parents’ first grandchild and my mum has been waiting for him for so long, I’m sure that they won’t be holding back (she’s shown lack of restraint in the past nine months, and that’s saying it kindly) and the gifts he receives from them will be much more abundant. That’s also one of the reasons I was trying to hold back and little M. doesn't exactly express his wishes just yet.

Danes ti bom pokazala le darila, ki jih bo dobil od naju – če bi želela videti še vsa druga darila, ki jih bo prejel, mi to lahko sporočiš v komentarju. Ker je mali M. prvi vnuk mojih staršev in je moja mama nanj čakala kar nekaj časa, sem prepričana, da se ne bo zadrževala pri nakupih (že v preteklih devetih mesecih je jasno pokazala, da ji na tem področju manjka nekaj samokontrole, če se izrazim najlepše, kot znam) in bo prejel kar nekaj daril. To je tudi eden od razlogov, zakaj sem skušala biti sama bolj razumna, želje malega pa so zaenkrat tudi še skrivnost.

The first gift that is his main gift this year is the Tiny Tot Balance Bike & Tricycle. I bought this at Mali Zakladi online store. I love it because it transforms from a tricycle into a balance bike very simply so it’s a 2in1 product. I also like the design and they have a bunch of accessories to go along with it (think helmets, baskets etc.) He’ll have to wait a few months to really start using it but I’m sure he’ll do great.

Njegovo prvo in glavno darilo letos je Tiny Tot Balance Bike & Tricycle, torej poganjalček in tricikel v enem, ki sem ga kupila v spletni trgovini Mali zakladi. Všeč mi je, ker se iz tricikla povsem enostavno preobrazi v poganjalčka, torej gre za dva izdelka v enem. Čudovit je tudi sam dizajn, na voljo pa imajo kar precej dodatkov (čelade, košarice in podobno). Na uporabo bo moral počakati še nekaj mesecev, vendar sem prepričana, da mu bo šlo odlično.

Until then, he has this gizmo to tie him over. This is a 2-1 walker and ride car which also shoots balls out of it, but we’ll try to keep that particular feature from baby M ;) He’ll be able to use this indoors if he wants to go for a little spin. By the way, he’s already standing up quite a lot and trying to walk along different furniture, so I’m sure it will help with his walking as well. And I’ll need a darker color to cover my graying hair ;)

Do takrat bo lahko uporabljal naslednji gizmo. Gre za 2-1 hojico in avtomobilček, iz katerega lahko dete strelja žogice (vendar pa mu bomo skušali to funkcijo zamolčati). Ta avtomobilček bo lahko uporabljal tudi znotraj, v kolikor se bo želel malo popeljati. Mimogrede, glede na to, da mali M. že kar dobro stoji in poskuša ob pohištvu že malo hoditi, sem prepričana, da mu bo zelo prav prišla tudi hojica. Jaz pa bom potrebovala temnejšo barvo za moje sive lase ;)

Next is his rucksack. He’ll be starting kindergarten in March and as much as I’m not really looking forward to that, I want to make sure that he looks dashing on his first day of “school”. I love this Nici rucksack and I’m sure he will, too.

Naslednje darilo je njegov nahrbtnik. V marcu bo začel hoditi v vrtec in čeprav se tega nič kaj ne veselim, bi rada, da vsaj za prvi dan “šole” izgleda res super. Ta Nici nahrbtnik mi je super všeč in prepričana sem, da bo tudi njemu.

He chose this owl a few months ago at a children’s store and I bought it and hid it from him. He’s not that into stuffed animals so I buy them for him if he shows interest. I must admit, it’s pretty cute.

To sovico si je izbral že nekaj mesecev nazaj v trgovini z igračami, zato sem mu jo kupila in jo še malo skrila. Plišaste igračke mu niso pretirano všeč, zato mu jih kupim, kadar za kakšno pokaže veliko zanimanje. Priznati moram, da je res simpatična.

He’ll also be getting a box of soft building blocks. I can’t wait until I can start buying him proper Duplo and Lego blocks (and play with them myself all day long) but until then, we’ll be playing with these. He loves to stack things and then pull them down so I’m sure these will be a big hit. 

Božiček bo malemu M-ju prinesel tudi škatlo mehkih kock za sestavljanje. Komaj čakam, da mu bom lahko začela kupovati Duplo in Lego kocke (da se bom z njimi lahko cele dneve igrala tudi sama), do tedaj, pa se bo igral s temi. Ker rad postavlja stvari skupaj in jih potem podira, bodo verjetno velik hit.

As you’re reading this, my hubby and I are on a small getaway. Yes, just the two of us – it’s our 10th anniversary in a few weeks and since we really can’t go on a long trip with baby M yet, we’re taking a long weekend off to really enjoy each other’s company. That being said, I have no doubt in my mind that on our trip we’ll be adding a few more gifts for baby M to the stash. If you’re a parent, you’ll understand.

Medtem ko to bereš, sva z dragim na mini oddihu. Da, sama. Čez nekaj tednov praznujeva deseto obletnico in ker malega M-ja še ne moreva peljati na daljše potovanje, si bova vzela podaljšan vikend, ko bova lahko uživala v družbi en drugega. Že vnaprej sklepam, da bom tudi med tem oddihom kupila kaj za malega. Če si tudi sama starš, to gotovo lahko razumeš.

What are you getting your children, nephews, nieces, children of your friends for Christmas? I’d love to hear some ideas – maybe I can jot them down for years to come! Until next time, stay beautiful (and don’t forget to find today’s secret word)!

Kaj pa boš ti letos podarila svojim otrokom, nečakom in nečakinjam ali otrokom svojih prijateljev? Z veseljem bi slišala kakšno idejo – morda si jih tudi zapišem za prihajajoča leta! Do naslednjič, ostani čudovita (in ne pozabi poiskati današnje skrivne besede)!

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