
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Blogmas #11: How to cure a hangover? ***** Kako se znebiti mačka?

As I have learned in my 32 years on earth, December parties are fun! Sometimes they are too much fun, to be quite honest. For me, this has been the case, especially in the past few years when my general alcohol intake is quite small during the year and consequently, I lack the stamina, for a lack of a better word. This means that my December mornings are often plagued with hangover and since nobody likes that, here are a few tips on how to help your body recover.

V svojih 32 letih na svetu sem se naučila, da so decembrske zabave res super! Včasih so celo preveč zabavne, če sem čisto iskrena. Meni osebno se to pogosto zgodi, še posebej zato, ker zadnja leta skozi celo leto ne pijem kaj veliko alkohola in nimam “vzdržljivosti” – boljše besede pač ne najdem. To pomeni, da so decembrska jutra pogosto zaznamovana z mačkom, ki ga nihče ne mara, zato je tu nekaj namigov, kako lahko v takšnih primerih pomagaš svojemu telesu.

There are a couple of things you can do the night before. That kebab at 3 a.m. won’t help you cure a looming hangover, but anything you eat before you have your drinks will – so make sure not to drink on an empty stomach! Also, try to remember the 1-1 (or better yet, 1-2) rule: for each unit of alcohol, you have to have a unit of water, or even better, two units.  While this might up the number of your toilet breaks, you’ll thank me in the morning. I always remember to drink half of liter of water directly before bed as well.

Nekaj stvari lahko storiš že prejšnji večer. Kebab ob treh zjutraj ti ne bo pomagal pozdraviti prihajajočega mačka, vendar pa bo pozitivno delovalo vse, kar boš pojedla pred pitjem – nikakor ne pij na prazen želodec! Poizkusi imeti v mislih pravilo 1-1 (ali še bolje, 1-2): za vsako enoto alkohola, ki jo spiješ, moraš popiti tudi enoto vode, ali še bolje, dve! Čeprav bo to povišalo število tvojih izletov v toaletne prostore, se mi boš zjutraj zahvalila. Sama obvezno spijem pol litra vode tudi tik preden se zvalim v posteljo.

But if you still wake up with a hangover, make sure to drink plenty of fluids. No, not alcohol! Sugary drinks won’t do you much good, either. Try to reach for water or tea. Have a small coffee if you’re used to it, but it will make you even more dehydrated so if you’re not an avid coffee drinker, stay away if you can. Some say that sports drinks will help your electrolyte imbalance, but from my experience, they didn’t help any better than plain water.

Če se kljub temu zbudiš z mačkom, je najpomembnejše, da piješ veliko tekočine. Ne, ne mislim alkohola. Prav tako ti v nobeno pomoč ne bodo sladkane pijače. Poizkusi se držati vode ali čaja. Če jo potrebuješ in redno piješ, spij kavico, vendar pa jo izpusti, če ne čutiš potrebe po njej, saj te bo kofein še bolj dehidriral. Nekateri sicer pravijo, da napitki za športnike pomagajo vzpostaviti elektrolitsko ravnovesje v telesu, vendar pa po mojih izkušnjah ne pomagajo nič bolj kot navadna voda.

Next, eat something, even if you don’t feel like it. Even if your mind is craving things like fried eggs and chocolate, go for something that will bring your blood sugar levels back up, such as crackers, toast or a light cheese and veggie sandwich. I would strongly suggest a shower. It will do nothing to wash away the alcohol from your bloodstream, but it will help you feel better. If the weather is normal, I would also suggest a brisk walk around the block to get some fresh air into your system.

Pomembno je tudi, da nekaj poješ, čeprav ti morda ta misel ni najbolj pri srcu. Tudi če tvoje srce hrepeni po pečenih jajčkih ali čokoladi, raje poseži po nečem, kar bo dvignilo tvojo raven sladkorja v krvi na normalen nivo, na primer toastu, krekerjih (neslanih) ali pa sendviču z malce sira in zelenjavo. Toplo ti priporočam tudi, da se stuširaš. Čeprav voda ne bo odplaknila alkohola iz tvojega telesa, se boš vseeno počutila boljše. Če je vreme dobro, ti predlagam tudi kratek sprehod, da v sistem spraviš nekaj čistega zraka.

If you have a pounding headache, you have two options. You can wait it out, which can take up to 12 hours, or take a pill which will have an almost instant effect. Remember to follow the instructions of the pharmacist while doing so and also keep in mind that your liver is already working overtime and want some rest, so don’t pop those pills like Tic Tac’s because you’ll burden them even more.

V primeru glavobola imaš dve možnosti. Lahko počakaš, da izzveni sam od sebe, kar lahko traja do 12 ur, ali pa vzameš tableto, ki ima skoraj nemuden učinek. Ne pozabi slediti navodilom proizvajalca, v mislih pa imej tudi, da tvoja jetra že delajo nadure, zato jih ne obremenjuj s tem, da tablete glodaš kot Tic Tace.

Last but not least, give your body time to recover. Depending on your age, that’s anywhere from a day to five days for full recovery of  the entire system, but since this is the season to be jolly, at least try to skip one night of drinking. If you’ve got the option to sleep it out, take it! Rest is one of the things that your body needs in order to start functioning properly once again.

Nenazadnje je pomembno, da svojemu telesu daš čas, da si opomore. To lahko traja od enega dneva do petih dni, kar je nekoliko odvisno od tvoje starosti, zato ti predlagam, da vsaj za en večer preskočiš pitje tudi v tej sezoni rajanja. Če imaš možnost, da mačka odspiš, jo izkoristi. Počitek je ena od stvari, ki jih tvoje telo potrebuje, da lahko spet prične normalno delovati.

Hopefully, you’re reading this before you actually need it. I’m not encouraging drinking in any way, but if you’re an adult, nothing or nobody can stop you from doing it and the least I can do is give you a few pointers on how to survive during the mad month of December, right? I’m once again reminding you of the secret word for my holiday giveaway (for the prize and rules, click *here*), since the prize is really awesome and I’d hate for you to miss out. Until next time, stay beautiful!

Upam, da si ta zapis prebrala, preden ga boš dejansko potrebovala. Vsekakor pitja alkohola ne spodbujam, vendar pa ti kot odrasli osebi tega nihče ne more preprečiti, zato ti lahko ponudim vsaj nekaj nasvetov, kako preživeti ta nor december, kaj ne? Ponovno te spomnim, da poišči skrivno besedo za mojo božično nagradno igro (za ogled nagrade in pravila klikni *tu*), ker je nagrada res super in želim, da imaš tudi ti možnost, da jo osvojiš. Do naslednjič, ostani čudovita!


  1. Dobri nasveti za drugic! 👍😁🍾🍷

    1. Imeti nekaj teh stvari v glavi nikoli ne škodi ;) Jaz sem bila sicer letos kar pridna, vendar pa sem prepričana, da mi bo to znanje še kdaj prišlo prav. Srečno novo leto!

    2. Tudi jaz se morem pohvaliti, ampak leto je se dolgo 😂
      Enako 💝
