
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Blogmas #7: Who is Low Maintenance Beauty?

If you've been following my blog for a long time, you probably only know me as Maša. That Maša who never publishes her own photos. As mentioned many times I had a solid reason for keeping my privacy in that aspect, but now some things have changed and today - for the first time - I'm happy to share my face with you.

Če me spremljaš že dlje, me poznaš samo kot Mašo – tisto Mašo, ki nikoli ne objavi svoje fotografije. Že večkrat sem napisala, da imam za to tehten razlog, vendar pa so se zdaj okoliščine nekoliko spremenile in svoj obraz danes – prvič – z veseljem delim s teboj.

Naturally, this also means that my blog will change a bit. Now, I'll be able to show you the make-up on my face, create a make-up look for special occasions or share my photos from events. I'm looking forward to the freedom this change will give me.

To seveda pomeni, da se bo nekoliko spremenil tudi moj blog – sedaj vam bom lahko ličila pokazala na obrazu, lahko bom ustvarila kakšen videz za posebne priložnosti, ali pa fotografijo s kakšnega dogodka. Veselim se svobode, ki mi jo prinaša to, da vam lahko pokažem – sebe.

 I only see it fitting that we catch up on a couple of moments from past years when you had to take my word for everything I was doing and testing. I'd like to share some photos with you - photos that show me for who I am and what I love in life. These are not professional photos - just those that mean something to me and captured special moments of my life. Hopefully, you like this change and will continue my journey with me.

Ker pa se mi zdi prav, da prineseva noter vsaj kakšen trenutek iz preteklih let, ko si mi morala vedno le na besedo verjeti, kaj se mi dogaja v življenju, pa s tabo delim nekaj fotografij, ki so mi še posebej pri srcu in kažejo, kdo sem, kakšna sem in kaj me v življenju veseli. To niso profesionalne fotografije - le takšne, ki mi nekaj pomenijo in ki so ujele meni dragocene trenutke. Upam, da ti bo ta sprememba všeč in da ostaneš z mano še naprej.

I love to travel, in fact that's one of my favorite things in the world. I've seen over 40 countries and look forward to add more to the list. This photo is from one of the travels - Death Valley at 50'C. ***** Ljubim potovanja, ki so ena mojih najljubših stvari v življenju. Videla sem že več kot 40 držav in komaj čakam, da jih na seznam dodam še več. Fotografija je iz enega bolj zanimivih krajev na svetu - Doline smrti pri 50'C.

Pool is a large part of my life. I am a multiple national champion, member of the Slovenian national team and a referee. ***** Biljard predstavlja velik del mojega življenja. Sem večkratna državna prvakinja, članica slovenske reprezentance, po potrebi pa tudi sodnica.

My friends are priceless. I daresay this was one of the more magical dances in my life. ***** Moji prijatelji mi pomenijo ogromno. Rekla bi, da je bil to eden najbolj čarobnih plesov v mojem življenju.

I am one of those people who will clean the house in a red lip. By the way, this is me cleaning the polish my cat Maybe broke ***** Sem ena tistih žensk, ki nosijo rdečo šminko tudi, ko čistijo hišo. Mimogrede, tu čistim lak, ki ga je razbila moja razvajena ragdollka Maybe.

Through blogging, I've meet some incredible people. Gabi from blog Parokeets is my sister from another mister, my guide and mentor, and in many cases, my rock when I need some kind words. ***** Zaradi bloganja sem spoznala veliko neverjetnih ljudi. Gabi z bloga Parokeets je moja duša dvojčica, moja svetovalka in "mama", predvsem pa mi je v veliko oporo, ko potrebujem kakšno prijazno besedo.

For the past eight months, my main role is taking care of my little boy. I feel incredibly lucky that such an amazing little man picked me to be his mum. ***** Zadnjih osem mesecev je moja glavna vloga skrb za mojega fantka. Srečna sem, da me je tak neverjeten mali mož izbral za svojo mamo.

But besides all that, I am also a person that will take THIS photo in front of Sephora - because precious moments need to be cherished. If you're looking at my under-eye bags, let me explain: this is day 5 in Las Vegas. ***** Ampak poleg vsega naštetega pa sem tudi ženska, ki bo hotela TOLE fotko pred Sephoro - ker je treba tako dragocene trenutke pač ovekovečiti. In če gledaš moje podočnjake, naj pojasnim: slika je nastala 5. dan žuranja v Las Vegasu.

Now, as promised, I am also going to show you the giveaway present for these holidays. It includes a number of brands, some of which are hard to come by in Slovenia and some which are Slovenian. I had so many ideas about what I wanted to include that in the end, I really think that there are many things in here that you will enjoy. 

Kot obljubljeno ti sedaj pokažem še darilo za letošnjo božično nagradno igro. Vsebuje ogromno znamk - nekaj takih, ki se jih v Sloveniji težko dobi, pa tudi nekaj slovenskih. Resnično so se mi letos vse od poletja porajale ideje, kaj želim v darilo vključiti, zato mislim, da je res lepo in da bi se ga razveselila vsaka od vas. 

Prize includes: Real Techniques miracle sculpting sponge, Essence blending brush, ELF Mineral Eyeshadow primer, Dvorec Trebnik shampoo and shower gel, Batiste mini dry shampoo, Le Couvent Des Minimes manicure set, Balea Aqua tuchmaske, Labello Neon Edition, Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara (mini), Benefit They're real Push-up liner (mini), Avon Luxe eyeshadow palette (glamorous roses), Caudalie Micellar water (mini, 50ml), L'Oreal Micellar Gel, Bath&Bodyworks PocketBac - Fresh Strawberries, Avon nail polish (Perfect Reds, Ruby Slipper), 2x Trend It Up nail polish - Holo dimension (n. 29 and n. 35), Nabla Magic Pencil (nude), Avon Shine Burst Gloss stick, Trend It Up Ultra matte Lipcream, Essence XXXL Nude lipgloss, Catrice Velvet Matt Lip Cream and L'Oreal Inffalible Sexy Balm (109 - Such a babe)
The rules of the giveaway are simple. I will post the last word of the thought you must put together from the colored words in all Blogmas posts on the 31st of December (click *here* for additional instructions). You have until 4th of January 2017 to send me the complete thought (in a sentence) to the e-mail This giveaway is for my Facebook subscribers only so make sure you follow me there.  If you have a funny name on Facebook that is not the same as your real name, don't forget to write it into the e-mail that you send me. This giveaway is also open EU ONLY. I'll appreciate it if you follow me on Instagram (@low_maintenance_beauty) and share some of the Blogmas posts with your friends. The winner will be selected at random and posted on my Facebook page on January 5th. If this person doesn't send me his or hers information by January 12th, I will select another winner.

Pravila nagradne igre so preprosta. Zadnjo besedo misli, ki jo moraš iz obarvanih besed v Blogmas objavah sestaviti, bom objavila 31. decembra (klikni *tu* za podrobnejša navodila). Celotno misel mi moraš poslati do 4. januarja 2017 na e-mail Ta nagradna igra je odprta samo za moje sledilce na Facebooku, zato poskrbi, da mi slediš tudi tam. Če na Facebooku uporabljaš kakšno drugo ime, mi to zapiši v e-mail. Nagradna igra je odprta samo za države EU. Vesela bom, če mi boš sledila tudi na Instagramu (@low_maintenance_beauty) in kakšno od mojih Blogmas objav delila s svojimi prijatelji. Zmagovalec nagradne igre bo izbran naključno in objavljen na moji Facebook strani 5. januarja 2017. Če mi zmagovalec ne bo poslal podatkov do 12. januarja, bom izbrala novega zmagovalca.

Until next time, stay beautiful! ***** Do naslednjič, ostani čudovita!


  1. Čudovita objava! :) Res super ideja,da bomo zdaj lahko bralci videli tudi ustvarjalko,ki stoji za tem čudovitim blogom! :) Drugače pa imam tudi sama razvajeno ragdollko,Maybe je prečudovita! :)

    P.S Se že veselim nagradne igre! :)

    1. Hvala :) Ja, včasih se življenje tako obrne, da lahko sprejmemo tudi kakšno tako super odločitev in nas ne rabi biti strah posledic :) Držim pesti tudi zate v nagradni igri :)
